In a small town where every woman’s heart skips a beat for the town’s most charming bachelor, Jack finds himself caught in the most unexpected of love triangles. Torn between two wildly different admirers—an 18-year-old beauty queen with a crown to match her looks and a fabulously wealthy 65-year-old eccentric heiress—Jack’s life becomes a whirlwind of lavish gifts, outrageous misunderstandings, and side-splitting dilemmas.
As Jack tries to navigate the hilarious highs and lows of his bizarre romantic predicament, he discovers that choosing between beauty and wealth is more confusing—and comedic—than he ever imagined. Will Jack make the ultimate decision, or will the chaos of love get the last laugh?
A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy filled with unexpected twists, outrageous suitors, and a hero who’s just trying to keep his head above the hilarity.